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The Presbyterian Church at Manning strives to offer Christ centered opportunities for worship, discipleship, fellowship, and service to our entire congregation as well as our community.



Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship 11:00 am

Sunday School is a time of discipleship that allows each of member to grow in his or her faith through Bible Study. We offer Sunday School classes for adults and children.

Our Worship is a traditional service with hymns, confession and pardon, a time of scripture-based teaching, and an affirmation of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Junior High
Sundays 4:45 pm until 6:15 pm
5th-7th Grade
Sr High PYF 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm
8th-12th Grade

The goal of our student ministry is to expose children and teenagers to God’s love, to equip them to exalt God, to provide them with an opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of other believers and to enable them to experience the work of the ministry.

We enjoy bible studies, games, and fellowship activities, as well as a Senior High Mission Trip each summer.


Tuesdays 2:30 pm until 4:15 pm
K5-4th Grade

Kids Club is a high-energy after school ministry focused on elementary school students. We play (A LOT), share a snack, sing songs, dance, learn the books of the Bible, and study Bible stories.

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Circle #1 meets the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am

Circle #2 meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm

The Presbyterian Women ministry focuses on discipleship through circle meetings in which members learn and discuss a Bible lesson. The women also serve within our church by hosting luncheons after worship quarterly and in our community through offerings of goods and money.


We enjoy our time of fellowship, whether  in small groups or within our entire church family.

Our fellowship events include covered dish luncheons, fundraisers for missions such as Bingo Nights, and Faithful Families. Faithful Families are evenings for the entire church to experience discipleship in small groups and share a meal together. 

Our small group fellowship includes a Book Club that meets every six weeks, a Wise Ones group that plans activities, and other fun events throughout the year.



Our church supports several ministries in our community including United Ministries and the Clarendon Christian Learning Center. We also participate in several community-targeted offerings throughout the year which include the Souper Bowl Offering, a Harvest Offering of canned and dried goods at Thanksgiving, a Christmas Angel Tree to provide gifts for local children and an Apple Tree to collect school supplies for students in our local schools.

In the summer, the Senior High youth group and a group of adults travel on a mission trip. We have served in sixteen different sites across the US & Canada. We have led worship for homeless, cleaned yard & buildings after Hurricane Katrina, served as counselor for at-risk youth, and sorted clothes at Salvation Army. Every year the tasks are different. Our hearts and hands must be ready to serve as God and the community needs.

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